Thursday, 16 July 2015

Wednesday I

Jake O
Another very busy day for the students on the Advanced Space Academy programme, with lots of missions being completed so students are in their flight suits. Managed to get a few photos and a quick word with some of them. All seems to be going well and everyone is enjoying themselves.

The trainers were really encouraging to get you to face fears - Ethan 

A successful landing for Ethan W-A
In Bravo mission an SSME failure jumped both mission control and the orbiter but we managed to deal with it... GG BRAH- Jay

"The activities are even better than I thought they would be!" - James T 

Von Tiesenhausen ready for Delta Mission
Ablative Shield Testing

Will the egg (passengers) survive the heat?

The egg was good whilst it lasted - Arnav

I am now more sweat than human - Ollie P

Fitting the next shield to be tested

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